Maxpedition Spatha and Testudo Laptop Cases 马盖先剑型突和龟甲电脑包 作为马盖先今年新产品的一部分,他们希望能提供一些外形低调的设计,剑型突和龟甲电脑包就是其中很
Maxpedition Spatha and Testudo Laptop Cases



剑型突包的外形大小大致为16.5" x 13" x 5.25" ,能够装下15英寸的笔电。龟甲包尺寸大致为17.5" x 13.25" x 5.5",能容纳17英寸的笔电。举个例子,我想要装进龟甲包的一台DELL笔电外观大小为14.75"x 10.25" x 1.25" ,那么以对角线来估测,大约为18英寸。稍微调整下后我就能将它放入龟甲包的内置套里,虽然取用会慢(紧)一些,但能起到安全携行的作用。尽管剑型突包不能做相同的事情(放不进内置套),但这个笔电还是能放进包的主分隔里。作为一个电脑包所能够期待的,包主仓的所有空间都有衬垫,但背包时得考虑仍需要得到的配件和其他物品如何压缩和放置。一般来说我推荐尽量避免将具有尖锐角度或其他能戳伤你的笔电的
装备和它放在一起。 作为一个方便的特性,双拉链开口使得包可以像瓦楞纸箱那样完全打开,并且能通过内置的可调带子对物品进行固定也是必须的。这个设置非常好,大多数电脑包并不提供完全开启的功能,尽管限制了功能性,但这样包内的物品就不会由于偶然的突然打开而导致四处飞散。主仓一侧分有一个高的套袋,包含带插扣的安全带,并在袋子的前部还分有3个小的套袋。另一侧提供了不一样的选择,有一个稍微短一些的,带有带插扣的安全带的套袋,前部有两个单拉链口袋,以供更多物品的安全放置。由于这一侧的套袋更短更大一些,能稍微容易一点地放进笔电。我希望安全带的插扣能够更模块化/可替换,因为在面对某些需要究极防护的物品时他们迟早会派上用场,但因为插入/解开而造成的麻烦是必须要避免的。 包的整个正面有两个大号双拉链口袋。左边那个的分隔在顶部带有弹力带子分隔,并有一条带插扣的钥匙环。与其他钥匙系带相比,采用插扣令它使用起来更加方便。右边的口袋也有一个套袋,但有两个独立的、带有两条弹性织物固定条的套袋在外层。不应忘记的是,两个分隔都在前盖布上有两个简单的套袋。这些前部口袋都能放下一个30发的带有底部辅助拉环的
Magpul弹匣。在口袋的外部有尺寸刚好的维可牢魔术贴,潮人们可以贴上那些超酷的贴章或是你的ID。我喜欢这个设计,那些不在乎外部轮廓的可以贴上士气章,而那些在乎的可以将它们去掉。在两个口袋之间隐藏了一条单拉链,提供了一个在两个口袋后部的隐蔽储物空间。 在整个前部口袋后面有一个设计出色的大号隐蔽携行区域(CCW),其他人看起来像是一个口袋,内部提供了大面积的魔术贴;可以很轻易地放进全尺寸的手枪,弹匣,以及中等尺寸的
伞绳或是硬塑料管来重新加强下这个拉开的助力点。 剑型突包的侧面的织带手提环有些民用背包风格,将织带缝制成了一节节的环状。我不那么肯定大多数人能否有效的使用它们,但对于一些创意人士它们提供了很好的提拉的点。为了提供更多选择,龟甲包的侧面手提环是单环,也能提供对应的提拉点。两个包侧面都使用1英寸的织带来固定肩带用的D环。肩带衬垫有着全新的设计,利用三道滑动调节扣和肩带中部的倾斜折叠缝制方式,将1英寸的连接点与2英寸的肩带衬垫区域连接起来。这样肩带衬垫就不会滑落到旋转固定钩处,我还要说三道滑动调节扣的设计还能更加静音。尽管这根新肩带在剑型突包上显得十分不错,但在龟甲包上就显得有点不太合适,三道滑动调节扣使得在需要转换为双肩背模式时,想要将单肩背带收起来而不至于四处晃荡就是一个相对缓慢的过程。马盖先提供了带旋转挂钩的替代肩带以供购买,但这根转换肩带应该是一开始就只适合与龟甲包一起使用的。 其他需要注意的小细节是,两个包在顶部都有经典的运动携行手柄,可由维可牢魔术贴来将其包合在一起。包底部都是光滑的,没有特殊材质或额外的支撑脚。我喜欢由550伞绳编成的拉链拉手,但我不喜欢单绳结的式样,我喜欢双绳结式的,更短些,而且能防止钩挂和扭曲打结。幸运的是像我这样吹毛求疵的人可以增加额外的绳结或是用其他我们能用得起的任何伞绳去替换它们。 尽管马盖先已经有了很多优秀的肩挎包,但剑型突和龟甲包仍然设法提供了一个非常有价值的独特设计,特别是带有双肩背包功能的龟甲包,令它成为一个更为罕见的综合选项。到目前为止,马盖先一如既往地将包具制造得比一般的民用包具设计更为坚固耐用,同时还能提供更多的战术方面的内在提升。 As a part of Maxpedition's new products this year they wanted to provide some visually lower profile designs with the Spatha and Testudo Laptop bag designs being good examples. The hard use functionality is all still there, with I'd say the main differences being less exterior pockets and a good color selection to offer more civilian looking options. The only feature that looks a bit specifically tactical is the external loop velcro which can easily be taken off for those who desire to. I'm showing the Spatha and Testudo together as they are very similar in core layout with the Testudo being slightly larger and having optional backpack functionality. Like the description infers, the core bag concept is to be a shoulder bag that can carry an appropriate sized laptop. The Testudo adds a twist to this by having a set of stow-able backpack straps built into the back side. This makes the Testudo a hybrid pack where it can be in shoulder strap mode for quick access or switched over to backpack mode for much more comfort and mobility in longer hauls. It was nice to see the backpack straps were not half-assed either as they are fully padded and even include a sternum strap. When not in use, the backpack straps conveniently hide away in their back pocket keeping a clean look. The Spatha has its own features on the back side including a luggage strap for mounting on rolling bag handles and a single zippered pocket with a generous amount of loop velcro inside for more holding options. Size wise the Spatha comes in at overall approx 16.5" x 13" x 5.25" declaring able to hold 15" lap
tops while the Testudo is 17.5" x 13.25" x 5.5" holding 17" laptops. For an example laptop I have a Dell that is 14.75"x 10.25" x 1.25" and measures approx 18" on the exterior diagonal. Where one wants to store the laptop in the bag will adjust the capability as I could fit my sample laptop in the interior sleeves on the Testudo, which although slower to store is a more secured carry. Despite unable to do the same in the Spatha, the laptop did still fit in the main compartment interior. All interior sides of the main compartment are padded which is to be expected out of a laptop bag, however some consideration still needs to be given to arrangement of accessories and other goods on how they will compress while carrying the bag. In general I just recommend the concept of trying to avoid creating sharp pressure points of other gear "poking" into your laptop. While already on the subject of the main interior I suppose we might as well follow through. As a handy feature, the double zippers open up to a full clam shell style which then can be limited with the adjustable internal webbing as desired. This is nice as most laptop bags don't offer the full opening option while the limit functionality is still there so the bag doesn't accidentally fly open spilling out your goods. The sides are well divided with a tall sleeve pocket being on one side, SRB security strap included, and 3 divided smaller sleeve pockets. The other side offers more options with a slightly shorter main sleeve pocket, SRB security strap, and 2 single zipper billowed pockets to offer more item securing options. This side handles a laptop a little bit easier with the shorter large sleeve pocket. I wish the SRBs were modular / removable as they can come in handy when something needs to be super secured, but also cause insert / extraction hassle when not needed. On over at the front side are 2 large double zippered pockets. The left compartment has a sleeve pocket with varied elastic divisions on top and even a key lanyard with SRB release. Compared to other lanyard setups the releasable SRB makes it a lot more convenient. To mix things up the right compartment has a sleeve pocket as well, but then has 2 divided sleeve pockets on top with elastic webbing closures. Not to be forgotten, both compartments have simple sleeve pockets on the internal front side as well. Worth noting these frontal pockets are tall enough to hold 30 round magazines even with Ranger Magpul plates. On the exterior of the pockets are good sized loop velcro fields for your cool guy patches or ID. I like that they are there for those who don't care about profile level as those who do care can take them off. An easy to overlook single zipper hides between the 2 frontal pockets which offer a nice extra stash zone to behind both pocket sides. Behind the main frontal pockets is a nice big CCW area that is easy for others to overlook as a pocket and offer another heaping helping of loop velcro space; easily able to hold full sized pistols, magazines, and medium sized flashlights. The opening closes with velcro to prevent accidental interior display with a 2" D-ring incorporated as a pull open point. I have mixed thoughts on the D-ring which Maxpedition has been using for a while. It visually doesn't appear particularly tactical and is likely cost effective, but isn't really that great of a pull since not even all my small monkey fingers can fit inside. Most folks will probably only be able to fit in 2 fingers comfortably so for those who need an easy oh-shit grab I recommended trying out cord or webbing with plastic tubing for rigidity as seen on some pull away pouch designs these days. The sides vary a bit with the Spatha having civilian backpack style webbing loops. I'm not really sure what most people effectively use them for, but they do make good lash points when someone has to get creative. To mix things up the Testudo has less divisions to create the equivalent of extra pull handles. Both use 1" webbing for these sides to secure the shoulder strap D-rings. This leads into somewhat of a new shoulder strap design that secures using tri-glides and ramps up in size from 1" connection points to a 2" shoulder pad area. Some will miss the rotating snap hook hardware, but I will say the triglide option is more silent. Although this new strap makes decent sense on the Spatha it seems a bit mis-matched on the Testudo as undoing the shoulder strap with tri-glides is a slow process when wanting to properly convert to backpack mode without a dangling shoulder strap. Maxpedition offers alternate shoulder straps with snap hooks for purchase which offers more options, but the alternate shoulder strap should just be the one that comes with the Testudo to begin with. For other small notes, both sport classic carry handles up top with a velcro wrap to have the option to help keep closed. The bottoms are slick with no special material or extra feet. Although I do like 550 cord zipper pulls I'm starting to dislike the long single knot style in favor of shorter 2 knot styles to prevent snagging and cord rotation. Fortunately those picky like me can add in extra knots or affordably use different cord as needed. Despite Maxpedition already having a lot of nice shoulder bags, the Spatha and Testudo still manage to offer worthwhile unique designs, in particular the Testudo with the backpack option being a more rare hybrid option. As always they are built Maxpedition tough so will far outlive similar civilian bag designs while also offering more tactical preferred interior options.