在老外网站上看到的文章,原文标题是《Why Carrying a Flashlight is a Bright Idea?(为什么携带手电筒是个明智之举?)》,文章中作者对手机闪关灯不能代替手电做了说明,虽然看完后感觉理由有点牵强,因为以我国国情来看充电宝真心更便宜、更实用。但文中提到的一些EDC手电选择的思路感觉还是不错的,尤其是对于大多数学生党,高流明、功能复杂的除了装逼真心没啥用......

In this installment of Carry Smarter, I'm going to take you through the basics of choosing and carrying a modern flashlight, and how and why a good one — even without a ridiculous amount of lumens and features — is worth a spot in your EDC.
"Why should I carry a flashlight when my phone has one?"As a flashaholic, this is by far the most common question we get from people who see the flashlights in our EDCs. It's also a perfectly valid one. Why should we carry an extra piece of equipment that would just weigh down our pockets, when the phone we carry with us all the time can perform all the lighting tasks we need in normal situations? My favorite response to that question has always been: "You would bring an umbrella without a thought for a 50% chance of rain, so why wouldn't you carry a light for a 100% chance of darkness every night?"
The Right Tool for the JobWhile a mobile phone flashlight can fulfill basic lighting tasks, the goal of carrying a dedicated flashlight is to be the best tool for the job. As an example: you could certainly open boxes and prep food with the same dinner knife, but wouldn't a box cutter and a chef's knife be better for those tasks? A dedicated tool also means a more focused and specific set of features. In the case of flashlights, this means more power, sturdier construction, and the fact that on some outputs a light's runtime is measured in days. It comes in handy in emergency situations where your phone is the quickest to run out of power and darkness is one of the first challenges you'd need to overcome.
Shedding Light on Your NeedsWith dozens of brands and hundreds of options and features in the market, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice in choosing a first light. Even knowing what I do about lights it's still hard for me to make a purchase because of how specific some of my needs are. The important thing is to think about how a light would benefit your carry and the usual situations you're in where an extra bit of light would be helpful. Here are some things to consider when choosing a light:
Convenience: A light is useless if it's a hassle to carry every day. Do you prefer a light that is small enough to go on your keychain, or something larger that would have a bigger battery for more power and runtime? Is the light something you'll carry daily in your pants, or something handy for emergencies in your bag or glove box? A light should be there the moment you need it but quietly stay out of your way when you don't.
Ease of use: You may be like Adam Savage who prefers his light modes to be as simple as possible, or someone who wants as many modes and functions as possible at their disposal. What's important is that your light functions as easily as possible to you. You'll end up leaving your light at home if it fails to perform just the way you like it exactly when you need it.
Runtime: This is, in my opinion, the best reason to carry a light. Yes, at the end of the day, your phone's light might get the job done. Unfortunately, the end of the day is also the usual quitting time for your phone's battery unless you have access to an outlet or a portable battery pack. For the price of said pack and a fraction of the space, you could get a light that will see you through the night long after your phone has died.


In this installment of Carry Smarter, I'm going to take you through the basics of choosing and carrying a modern flashlight, and how and why a good one — even without a ridiculous amount of lumens and features — is worth a spot in your EDC.
"Why should I carry a flashlight when my phone has one?"As a flashaholic, this is by far the most common question we get from people who see the flashlights in our EDCs. It's also a perfectly valid one. Why should we carry an extra piece of equipment that would just weigh down our pockets, when the phone we carry with us all the time can perform all the lighting tasks we need in normal situations? My favorite response to that question has always been: "You would bring an umbrella without a thought for a 50% chance of rain, so why wouldn't you carry a light for a 100% chance of darkness every night?"
The Right Tool for the JobWhile a mobile phone flashlight can fulfill basic lighting tasks, the goal of carrying a dedicated flashlight is to be the best tool for the job. As an example: you could certainly open boxes and prep food with the same dinner knife, but wouldn't a box cutter and a chef's knife be better for those tasks? A dedicated tool also means a more focused and specific set of features. In the case of flashlights, this means more power, sturdier construction, and the fact that on some outputs a light's runtime is measured in days. It comes in handy in emergency situations where your phone is the quickest to run out of power and darkness is one of the first challenges you'd need to overcome.
Shedding Light on Your NeedsWith dozens of brands and hundreds of options and features in the market, it's easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice in choosing a first light. Even knowing what I do about lights it's still hard for me to make a purchase because of how specific some of my needs are. The important thing is to think about how a light would benefit your carry and the usual situations you're in where an extra bit of light would be helpful. Here are some things to consider when choosing a light:
Convenience: A light is useless if it's a hassle to carry every day. Do you prefer a light that is small enough to go on your keychain, or something larger that would have a bigger battery for more power and runtime? Is the light something you'll carry daily in your pants, or something handy for emergencies in your bag or glove box? A light should be there the moment you need it but quietly stay out of your way when you don't.
Ease of use: You may be like Adam Savage who prefers his light modes to be as simple as possible, or someone who wants as many modes and functions as possible at their disposal. What's important is that your light functions as easily as possible to you. You'll end up leaving your light at home if it fails to perform just the way you like it exactly when you need it.
Runtime: This is, in my opinion, the best reason to carry a light. Yes, at the end of the day, your phone's light might get the job done. Unfortunately, the end of the day is also the usual quitting time for your phone's battery unless you have access to an outlet or a portable battery pack. For the price of said pack and a fraction of the space, you could get a light that will see you through the night long after your phone has died.

