Bayonet Belts 眼镜蛇扣战术腰带

I’d like to tell you a little bit about the belt I’m wearing today. I purchased it over a year ago and it has become one of my most used pieces of gear. It all started as a rough idea in a head of one smart guy nicknamed “Bayonet”. His idea was to make a belt that would be functional and lightweight, soft and simple, and with bulletproof construction that was affordable.
我想向各位介绍一下我现在的日常腰带”Bayonet Belts眼镜蛇扣战术腰带“。我在一年前买了这条腰带,现在已经成为我日常最重要的装备之一。而这一切开始于一个外号叫”刺刀“的聪明家伙脑袋里蹦出来的粗糙想法。他想要一条腰带集合轻量,柔软,简约,能与防弹系统相连并且价格实惠这些特质。
In the end of 2012, somewhere in the center of Poland, “Bayonet” made his first prototype belt. He made just one piece for his own personal use, but it didn’t take long to gain him some attention. When guys at the local shows, events, and even on online forums started asking Bayonet to them similar ones, Bayonet Belts was born. So in the end, local demand triggered the birth of a new business. I’m glad it happened to Bayonet as he’s a great guy. And yes, I ordered one as well because I knew I had to have one.
在2012年底,波兰中心的某个地方,”刺刀“做了第一条原型腰带。他只做了这么一根自己用,但不久以后就有人关注他了。在当地展会、活动甚至是在网络上人们都问他要一条和他一样的腰带,就这样”Bayonet Belts“诞生了。最后,当地的需求催生了这一门新生意。我为”刺刀“这个聪明人感到高兴,当然毫无疑问的我也订了一根。
The heart of a Bayonet Belt is the iconic AustriAlpin Cobra buckle. Of course you can find other belts based on AustriAlpin system, but most of them are too stiff, overbuilt, and too heavy for real every day carry applications in my opinion. Most of them are like a Ford Model T – you can choose any width you want as long as it’s 2.00 inches! While this is good for military or LE applications, it doesn’t always work with your favorite pair of Levi jeans. When it comes to Bayonet Belts, their approach to manufacturing is exactly the opposite of most of the manufacturers. It’s all about the customization!
”Bayonet Belt“的核心是独一无二的的眼镜蛇扣。当然其他品牌的腰带也使用眼镜蛇扣系统,但其中大多数腰带都太硬,过度加强,对我来说日常的佩戴太过沉重。而且他们更像是一部福特T型车,你能选你要的长度,但宽度你只有两英寸(5厘米)这一个选择。当然这个尺寸很适合军队和LR应用(LR是什么缩写?求指教)。但这个尺寸并不总能适合你那条心爱的levi牛仔裤。但当”Bayonet Belt“出现时,它和其他厂商的腰带完全不一样,简直就是私人定制啊。
Each belt is made of a highly durable, yet soft polyamide nylon webbing tape. It’s made and colored specifically for Bayonet Belts to match the color of today’s gear like Foliage Green, Coyote, OD green, and Digicam. The belts are available in a huge selection widths, including: 50mm, 45mm, 44mm, 40mm, 38mm, 28mm, and 25mm. That’s a pretty impressive range of choices. You can add any possible variant of Cobra buckle you can imagine. Whether it be steel, full-polymer, high-grade aircraft alloys, or even buckles that are anodized or powder-coated, Bayonet Belts can bring it to life. What you end up with are hundreds of different configurations to fit your exact needs.
每条腰带都由高度耐用但却柔软聚酰胺尼龙带制成。并且还有与腰带颜色一致的眼镜蛇卡扣。例如军绿,狼棕,OD色和数码迷彩。同时还有超多宽度选择,50mm,45mm,44mm,40mm,38mm,28mm甚至是25mm。擦的简直挑花眼。你能选择多种材质的眼镜蛇扣,不管是钢制,尼龙,还是航空铝,甚至可以再选择阳极或者粉末涂层等额外工艺。”Bayonet Belts”都能弄出来。几百种搭配方式足够满足你的需求。(看到这里终于尼玛明朗了,特色就是定制)
While there are some standard combinations available, the general rule of thumb is that Bayonet Belts are custom-made to measure. This is definitely my preferred approach. You start by choosing a buckle variant, the belt width & color, the belt length, and within couple of days your custom belt is ready to be shipped out directly to you. As I stated earlier, I bought my first belt about a year ago. It was a classic 2” OD green version. I later purchased a black one because I enjoyed the first one so much. Now I own no less than five Bayonet Belts and am considering another one because they’re addictive! Now that you have an understanding of Bayonet Belts, we can take a closer look at the details of why I love them so much.
虽然他们已经有一些标准的搭配的成品,但通常来说是他们是做定制的。当然定制也绝对是我得选择。你可以先选个扣子,之后是宽度和颜色,然后腰带长度。过两天你的腰带搞定了直接发货给你。一年前我买了第一根,经典的2英寸宽OD色。然后我太喜欢了又搞了条黑的。现在老子有至少5根,但是我还是控制不住买买买!现在你明白了吧,接下来我们可以仔细看看Bayonet Belts的细节,这就是我爱它的原因。
Let’s start with the buckle. I am one that believes in proven solutions. My preferred choice is the classic alloy buckle, which is very strong and very lightweight. It’ll support more than human body couldn’t ever survive, so it’s quite safe in my book and let’s all admit it - a full-metal Cobra buckle also looks cool, high-speed, and tactical. We all like that, don’t we?
Opening and closing the buckle is clean, smooth, and with a positive “click” there is no way you can half-close the buckle. If you hear the click, it’s fully fastened and good to go. It’s that easy! Cobra buckles are very easy to unlock, but the more load you put on the belt and buckle, the more force you need to apply with your fingers to unlock it. However, you can always unlock it if you need to. This is ideal for emergency situations and it can be a potential life saver. In EDC mode, it’s just so easy to close and open without any need to tie or untie the belt. It’s definitely not your standard rappelling belt.
Bayonet uses a high-grade webbing tape for all of their belts. It’s the standard tactical nylon belt, made in Poland by Pasamon, which meets all of the mil-spec standards. There is not a whole lot to be said about it other than it’s nicely soft, and has incredible strength. It’s a well made product and should last lifetime if it’s not cut or burned. It’s a great choice for making belts.
再来看Bayonet Belts产品所用的高质量织带。由波兰Pasamon生产的军规尼龙带。织带非常牢固,更不用说它与众不同的柔软。精工细造,只要不是割它或者烧它几乎永远不会坏。这当然是制造腰带的好选择呐。
The thread used on the Bayonet Belts is some of the strongest available. It’s a #20 nylon thread made by Ariadna, an EU based thread manufacturer. Just to give you some perspective, the thread is up to 12 times stronger than regular cotton thread of the same diameter! Self-locking stitching done on heavy-duty JUKI machinery ensures the belt’s durability. I know that this isn’t really rocket science, but I like heavy-duty approach on all the production details.
The craftsmanship on the Bayonet Belts is incredible. It’s just as good as it can, and should be for a tactical-style belt. It’s simple, no frills, well made, and nicely designed. It’s just what I would expect from a quality product – performance and long-time durability. Bayonet Belts’ standard warranty is 5 years, but I’m more than sure it’ll last a lifetime with proper basic care. Just don’t cut it or bake it, and it’ll be fine for years to come!
Bayonet Belts的工艺实在是不可思议。它的质量已经可以达到战术腰带的水准了(这里可以看出其实这牌子的腰带其实就是给大老爷们日常用一下,并没有标榜自己就是战术腰带了。)它简洁,没有多余的装饰,质量上乘,却又设计精美。这正是我所期望的高品质腰带,高性能和高耐久度。Bayonet Belts 的质保时间是5年(目测有点弱啊)但我坚信只要基本的维护就能让它用上一辈子,只要不切不烧的,它会一直完好如初。
After over a year of heavy use, I can easily tell you that it’s the last belt I’d ever need for my outdoor activities. My belt has seen duty with me in the mountains (both summer and winter), in the water, forest, rocks, and the urban jungle as well. From -25º Celsius (-13ºF) up to 40º C (104ºF), both dry and soaked with water, it has been used it to keep my pants in place and even put into service to help carry heavy logs to start a bonfire. I even wore my Bayonet Belt during my winter mountain expeditions and while testing Mystery Ranch ASAP in severe cold conditions of the high mountains.
And finally, if you need a belt to support either your knife (via TekLok or belt-loop) or your custom .45, a Bayonet Belt is a good call as well. The top edge doesn’t roll under the weight of the weapon and holster and overall comfort is just as expect. As you can see from the images, the mid-size custom fixed blade in Kydex sheath and full size Chris Reeve Green Beret in a LBE nylon sheath, both are worn with comfort, easy access and quick draw. This belt just works, plain and simple.
最后回顾一下Bayonet Belts。如果你需要一个既能承载你的刀具(皮鞘或者K鞘)又能承载你的.45手枪(不确定这里.45是指抢),它依然是个好选择。皮带上缘在武器和装具的重量下并没有卷曲,还是一如既往的舒适。你能看到图中,中尺寸的K鞘直刀或者是全尺寸的LBE装具大型刀具。都能够合身得装载在要带上,插拔便利。这条腰带就是这么吊。
When compared to other military-style nylon webbing belts I used in the past, the Bayonet Belt is really the most comfortable one out of all of them. Due to the choice of materials and simplicity of the design, it translates beautifully into to softness and ease of use. There is no multi-layering, no additional velcro, and no free-floating keepers to mess with. For me, it’s like the Sebenzaof tactical belts!
将Bayonet Belts 和其他我用过的军事范儿的尼龙织带腰带相比较,Bayonet Belts真的是最舒适的一款。它融合了简单设计与优良材质,完美地展现了柔软与易用的特性。木有过多的层次,木有额外的尼龙搭扣也木有四处乱跑的扣环。对我来说它就是腰带中的Sebenza(著名刀具公司,作者目测是死忠)
In summary, it’s a good belt that works really well and is very well made. It’s simple and comfortable to use. Now I know you’re all thinking about one of the most important questions - the price! Bayonet Belts start at roughly $35 for a comfort model like mine. I think it’s a very good value for money, especially considering that just the buckle alone costs about $25 in many online stores. Of course, since it’s a custom-made belt, ANY extra options are possible! I was asked if I would change anything about the belt or the design. I’d have to say no because the recipe is simple. Make a belt using a top class buckle, quality tape, heavy-duty stitching and you’re going to have a winner!